Monday, February 2, 2009

Welcome to the artsy side of Rayna...

A few things lately have inspired me to create my artsy/creative blog. I love photography, I love painting and playing with different medias, and so want to get back into that all. It's deffinately a stress reliever, and what a way to show it off! I'm painting some things for my mother for her birthday, and that was part of the inspiration, and the other was the One World, One Heart blog contests! I'm going to create some things fast to give away, because I love giveaways, and for someone to own a piece of my art, and WANT to own a piece of my art, makes me happy :) I also plan on dabbling in knitting, spinning and all that such with the sheep, so it all works out! Within the next day or so I hope to have some things picked out and posted on the OWOH site! Happy crafting!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for checking out my blog and signing up for my OWOH giveaway. I thought I'd come over and ck out your photographs. I love the water lily's....nice work.
